Sunday, September 5, 2010

Over the river and through the woods and over the mountains and and and and.. Until you get there

This camping adventure was very fun. Troy was still working the night shift and didn't get off till 7:30 at night. We down to Fairiview which is like 50 miles from here. Well it feels like. So we got up there with our friends at like Skyline at like 10:30pm a storm was coming in so it was super windy. So trying to set up our tent with out it blowing away was rrriiidddiccullouss. And starting a fire was even better!! Just as we were finishing our dinner a guy pulls up and starts doing a dead rabbit call, calling in who knows what. Well a pack of coyotes were coming in. Scariest thing in my life. We didn't have a knife, gun or anything!! The sharpest thing we had was probably a plastic knife. My finger nails would probably have killed better then that!! Well we all jumped into the truck and sat there for a min, or more like 30. After we sat there we drove over there and made our camping site know to the caller inner of the coyotes we fine went to sleep. Well we woke up went for a ride, then the boys went on a ride by themselves and came back we all took a nap. I woke up to what I thought was a plane breaking the sound breaking the showing barrier lots of times but now it was the storm was rolling in. It was like lord of the rings dark clouds surronding us about to consume us and thats when we decided to leave. So this is pictures of our campsite. This is where we where

The truck
The grove of trees that hide us. ha sure

We woke up to this. The cows wwere around us at night i guess
We slept on this, totally thought it was a rock. Nope just an old dried cow pie
The load, mostly for the boys
Roxanne is what we call her
Dirt was everywhere
A drinking water


Amber said...

Looks like fun. You still have the touch on the camera! Did you smell like cow poop after your escapade?

The Sandall's said...

How fun!! Cute blog, I did go back and find your comment, I must have thought it was from the other Melanie Anderson (Traceys wife)-- Im glad you mentioned it so that I can now follow ur blog!!