I know I am on a roll. But lets get start to the point. So I went to the Festival of Colors or Hare Krishna Holi Festival of Colors. It is a Hindu celebration, you can see the temple it looks like the one in Aladdin, anyway it is the celebration of spring pretty much ending with a burning and a huge chalk fight with over 3000 people. The chalk is different colors and it is suppose to represent the colors of Spring exploding. So let me take you through lots of picture and you can see how dirty I got. And by the way my hair is still green, well you can see it only in my blonde streaks.
Me and "J" waiting for the show to start. There was like no one there yet. As we go through it you will see how many people get there. Its ridiculous.
The lady is gonna burn, i don't know all why she is, you can look up on their website and see just type in Krishna temple for utah in google and see, but I take it as her being burned represents winter and our fight of colors represents the coming of spring and all its colors.
She is burning. They actually started burning her before the eclessatical leader said to and he kinda got mad.
I actually didn't take this picture, a friend of mine did. He was on the temple steps I think. But isn't that the coolest thing. I think this is when we weren't suppose to start and got introuble. But I was right in the part were they are throwing it.
Me in the middle of it. Pretty sure I got it thrown in my eye twice and I killed so yeah that is why I am closing my eyes in this picture.
"K" and "V" were taking a picture and right as they were taking it this guy came up and throw the purple in their face. This is the result.
The whole group. You can't see me and "C" in this really well, cuz he was leaning on me like full on lean and right as we took this I stepped out from under his weight and he fell and rolled down the hill. It was so funny.
Leaving was a joke, but it was fun. Hope the pictures get the feel for it. Tell me what you think.